
Posts Tagged ‘leadership roles’

Of the five change leadership roles the Visionary Motivator is perhaps the one which many people intuitively see as a classical leadership role.

The person who sets out the vision for the group, the organisation or the community, and is able to articulate the end destination in a compelling and convincing way.

Not only do they have the vision they can engage people in conversations around the vision and achieve buy in as a result.

In some ways the Visionary Motivator is a salesperson – able to connect with your desires and needs and address any objections in a positive and reframing way. They see the world in an optimistic way – any problems are opportunities, and setbacks, mere hurdles to overcome. If the Thoughtful Architect can design the grand strategy and win your head over, the Visionary Motivator will surely win your heart.

Watch this short video to get a sense of how the Visionary Motivator goes about their business.


But as with all of the five roles there is a shadow side. For the Visionary Motivator it is the possibility of everything descending into spin, or an inability to understand some of the pain that people might be going through on the change journey.

The Visionary Motivator

How am I standing? – On the front foot, standing tall, chest out, head high, looking at people

What am I thinking? – Envisaging the vision, connecting with the vision, asking oneself ‘how can I bring people on board?’

What am I feeling? – Positive, inspired, confident, motivated, solution-focused

What am I saying? – Let’s work together towards a brighter future

What’s my goal? – Getting motivated people moving towards the vision

For more information contact me, read our book, or take the online five roles leadership questionnaire and receive your own profile and development report.


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